Hi! My name is Erin Leilani. I spend my days supporting clients for a web-based software company in Minneapolis, engaging in my church, continuing my education, and applying the practices of graphic design and calligraphy on the side.
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Chinese and Irish by ethnicity, my family put strong values on ingenuity and beauty.
Relatives who are photographers, woodworkers, landscape & graphic designers, educators, performing artists, computer & structural engineers, and grocery store owners have influenced my love for creativity and organization.
I specialize in print design and have experience with Web content management. My passions are calligraphy, typography, and making information beautiful.
With more than 9 years of experience designing print layout for organizations, small businesses, funerals, weddings, trips & events, I have become a maximizer who enjoys collaborating with others to take something “good” and raise it to the level of “superb.”
This website is my little speck of the cosmic canvas, a portfolio of graphic design and calligraphy. Enjoy your look around. If you are interested in having me design a piece, please email me to inquire if you have my contact information already.